jason swenk

CFD 182 – Jason Swenk Tells Us to STOP Making Decisions Based on Money!

Cash Flow Diary podcast guest Jason Swenk works hard and plays hard. He even drives race cars! Professionally, Jason is an author, marketing expert (a.k.a., digital-preneur) and customer creator. At least he knows a lot about how to get customers and clients to find you. The funny thing is that Jason got into business designing a website to poke fun at a friend who looked like Justin Timberlake and fell into a pathway. Then he found his passion.

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Jason says it’s really important to bring your passion to whatever you are doing, and find a business in which you can use that passion. Ask yourself… what do you really like to do? Sometimes we fumble around as we look for our path. We know we want to do something, but we aren’t sure what that “something” is. The same thing happened to Jason. But he found out that he loved building fun, cool websites and marketing in the digital space.

He started a company and in short time his company was servicing very large and well-known companies and brands. After 12 years he sold his company and then had to find a new way to serve people. That took a couple of years, and he is doing just fine. So what’s his secret? Jason says it’s pretty simple. “Systems outperform talent all day long.” If you aren’t having success, you likely don’t have good systems in place. Jason has systems in place, so he sets a goals of working less than 100 hours a month.

He also doesn’t have a bunch of employees. He uses technology and delegation to make sure his systems work. Jason says we need to have clarity, which includes a plan. We have to know where we are going on our path. That helps us say YES only to the right customers and clients that will get us to our end goal. You cannot and should not reach everyone. You need to target your customers and clients. You have to figure out how to find those targets.

This is part of your system. Once you have the foundation built, you take the next step and start adding to your systems. What’s interesting about Jason’s take on entrepreneurialism is that he has an interesting point of view on failure. For example, he was trying to develop an iPhone app, but it didn’t feel right and wasn’t going the way he wanted, so he stopped. Some would call that a failure. It’s not. Jason says if you start a business and it’s not going well, you have a choice to stop. It is not failure. It means you are making a choice to stop and try something different.

What a refreshing point of view! So what does Jason say to do after that? And how exactly does he generate about 80 leads a day without attending bunches of networking events and using other traditional ways? You’ll have to listen and then you’ll know!! You’re going to want to do that, because this interview is calming and reassuring to the entrepreneurial soul. What Jason says in this interview is absolutely true! Learn more.

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