8 THINGS TO GIVE UP – [Replay] CFD 242 – Don’t be a Fraidy Cat. Fear of Success is NOT an Option…

You might think it sounds funny, but some people are just as afraid of achieving success as they are of failing. It’s true. That’s what I share with you today in my 7th installment of the 8 Things to Give Up series of my Cash Flow Diary podcast.

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Hey, success can be scary. It’s sort of like “senioritis.” You know… where you’ve been going to college for four years and you’re in your final months before graduation. It dawns on you that life outside the campus awaits… Some people seize up while others seize the new adventures ahead.

Maybe you’ve known someone struck down by their fear of success? They work really, really hard. They get to a pinnacle of success that causes onlookers to drool. They have the cool house, the nice cars, and the fat bank account… and then suddenly “something” happens and they lose it all.


The answer can be shocking. Truth is that they subconsciously made that “something” happen. They didn’t feel like they deserved the success. It’s more comfortable for them to live within their failures than to push themselves out of their comfort zone to achieve not just any dream but rather the biggest dreams.

Here’s a quote by Marianne Williamson that I like, which sums up fear of success pretty darned well. She says, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

While not all things are in our control, such as when a traumatic illness or death in the family strikes, most things really are in our control. Like our response to fear…

We ALL experience fear. It’s a basic human emotion; it even keeps us safe. But avoiding things you think are scary is not the path to success. You must do what scares you to get beyond the fear.

When I first started out as a real estate investor I was scared that I’d do things wrong. I did them anyway. I learned what I needed to learn to get the tasks done one at a time. I knew that I could not let my fears rule me. I had no other option than to make this real estate investing thing work. If you haven’t heard my story, you need to. I had no place to go but up!

Staying “safe” wasn’t going to work for me and it’s not gonna work for you. Success is within your grasp. All it takes is the right action steps. When you get there, don’t stop. Keep moving your goal posts forward. In fact, make your goals bigger and bigger. I promise that you deserve the success you are working for and when you get to your first goal, second goal, third goal and so on, it’s time to celebrate.

Don’t look around and decide you don’t deserve what you’ve worked so hard to achieve! Close your eyes and give thanks, then get back to working on your next project. You’re an entrepreneur. You have endless opportunities. Succeed and don’t look back. Help others to succeed when and where you can. And when you have had your first successes, I want to hear from you.

Right now, however, I want you to listen to this special episode of my Cash Flow Diary podcast. LISTEN NOW.

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