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CFD 334 [REPLAY 264] – “The Pitch Whisperer” John Livesay Tells Us How to Get to YES Faster!

Now for something completely different… today’s episode of the Cash Flow Diary podcast teaches you how to ask for the money you need for deals! Guest and funding strategist John Livesay (a.k.a., The Pitch Whisperer) has been told no more times than most people and just kept going.

Now for something completely different… today’s episode of the Cash Flow Diary podcast teaches you how to ask for the money you need for deals! Guest and funding strategist John Livesay (a.k.a., The Pitch Whisperer) has been told no more times than most people and just kept going.

Rejection is a part of sales… and we are always selling. Whether it’s negotiating the movie you and your friends want to see or getting the kids to bed, we’re selling our point of view. So we should never be afraid of “selling” in our business.

John can help you get through the fear and improve your confidence. In fact, he does it all the time in his business and his Successful Pitch podcast. You should start listening to it, because it’s full of good stuff.

As a child John caught the sales bug, starting out as a newspaper boy. He went door to door selling the paper, giving people a reason to subscribe. He did well. Later he attended college to learn more about sales. He even sold ad space to local businesses, which taught him a lot. He learned to paint a picture for these business owners so they would write checks on the spot.

Then he started working with start-ups to help them sell their stories, which is the secret to sales. We are wired to listen to stories, so it works well. Conversely, we are wired to cross our arms and just say no to numbers. Our brains aren’t so interested in the numbers. That comes later.

Today John’s specialty is to help entrepreneurs in the start-up phase get the funding they need through venture capital and capital raises. The number-one tip is to be yourself… be a story teller who tells your story. You are not forcing someone to buy from you, because they can more easily buy into your story and want to help you.

John says that most of the investors he works with tell him that they invest in the jockey… not the horse! This is just the tip of the information ice berg. John has a lot of great things to share. For this episode you need to be taking notes. No kidding. Stop what you’re doing and listen. Learn more. LISTEN NOW.

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