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Brian Matsen is widely known and respected as a highly successful entrepreneur, sales trainer, investor, speaker and proven expert in personal development. His successful career has spanned over 20 years. He has worked for some of the largest financial institutions in the world including, 14 years as a Regional Vice President with ING and Voya Financial, a Fortune 500 company. He has received numerous national sales growth and achievement awards while amassing over one billion dollars in sales.
Podcast Highlights
Who is Brian Matsen?
Brian is just a normal guy. He grew up in Orange County, California, loved sports, like most kids and wasn’t in love with school, like most kids. For Brian, school was always a focus challenge. He felt that his future success as an adult would be reduced because he couldn’t succeed like everyone said he should in school.
Sports taught Brian to work hard and built his confidence. One of his most difficult experiences was when he volunteered in Puerto Rico without knowing a word of spanish. He was forced to confront his fear of speaking to people and grow as a result.
The first five years after college were a real struggle for Brian. After being let go from his fourth job in five years, Brian realized that if he kept doing the same thing, he was going to get the same results. This lead him to personal development and focusing on growing his own skill set.
Setting Big Goals
Brian had the golden handcuffs at the time but he realized that he had a lot of the answers that people are searching for that could help them take their career to the next level.
Fear is the number one cause of failure and it never goes away. If you’re going to expand as a person, you will always have to push through the terror barrier.
Getting really clear on exactly what you want is key to personal development. Most people never set their goals and have no idea what they really want. The type of goals you should be going after are the ones you really want to achieve but have no idea how to do it. Setting a truly ambitious goal can change your life and your business.
A C type goal is a tenfold increase, not an incremental gain. Paradigms dictate everything you do if you don’t have the right mindset you are never going to achieve this kind of goal.
Paradigm Shifts
Paradigms are mental programs that have exclusive control over your habits. Paradigms come together to create a company culture.
You become programmed to earn a certain amount of money over time.
Your paradigm won’t change without a dramatic or tragic change in your life or constant spaced repetition.
Most people that come to Brian feel stuck, they are unhappy with what they are currently at and know that their results won’t change unless they do.
We inherit the habits of our ancestors, they are not easy to change but once you understand how to do it, you can make a quantum leap in your life. You need to rewire your subconscious mind because 95% of what you do is driven by your subconscious mind.
It’s not about what you know, it’s about what you do.
Brian’s Takeaway
The voice is a great example of your paradigm talking to you. Ignore that and listen to your intuition that says you can do it. When you make a committed decision, you will begin to change your life.
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