[Replay] CFD 485 – The Principles of Sale Greatness


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Jeffrey Gitomer is an internationally recognized sales, customer loyalty, and personal development speaker and New York Times bestselling author of The Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness, Jeffrey Gitomer's Sales Bible: The Ultimate

Sales Resource: Including The 10.5 Commandments of Sales Success, The Little Gold Book of YES ! Attitude: How to Find, Build and Keep a YES! Attitude, Customer Satisfaction is Worthless Customer Loyalty is Priceless: How to make customers love you, keep them coming back, and tell everyone they know , The Little Black Book of Connections: 6.5 Assets for Networking Your Way to Rich Relationships, and The Sales Bible: The Ultimate Sales Resource, and the new book TRUTHFUL LIVING: The First Writings of Napoleon Hill. He has won numerous speaking awards.

Podcast Highlights

  • Who is Jeffrey Gitomer?

Jeffrey grew up in a family of business people and identifies as a businessman, not an entrepreneur. He had some great genes and was born smart enough to realize that he had to decide what to do with his mind. Everyday when he wakes up, he always does one or all of the following five things: Read, write, prepare, think, and create.

How much do you do for yourself when you wake up? Everyone has a choice about what they do with their allocated time.

  • Entrepreneur vs. Businessman

A businessman is someone who has been in a family that has been in business for themselves for generations. Entrepreneurs are people who buy a franchise.

  • Why do sales have a bad reputation?

Jeffrey has done the work to understand sales and has sold millions of dollars worth of goods.

Cold calling is a terrible place to make a sale, but a great place to learn selling. People don’t like to be sold, they like to buy. You have to engage them enough so they want to buy.

Pressure, guilt, and manipulation are the reasons why sales have a bad reputation. It’s the classic case of the used car salesman. If you are consistent in your value message offerings, your business will grow. Anything less than weekly is not enough, you have to find ways to keep the message going.

The art of sales is making the other person feel like they aren’t being sold.

  • Letting Go Of The Sales Process

The first thing you have to realize is that you have to let go of some of the things that you think the business won’t be able to live without. Napoleon Hill

Jeffrey read Think and Grow Rich 10 times in 1972, after a while he understood Napoleon Hill’s philosophy and beliefs, while also working with a few other sales people on the same path. It all comes down to giving value first.

There are life-enhancing elements in the book that will make anyone who reads smile and do better.

What do you want to do and how bad do you want to do it? Then, what are you willing to do to fulfill that emotion? Whoever wins, desired it more.

Most people don’t have self-confidence or self-belief unless it is foisted on them by someone else. Deposit before withdrawal, give without expectation of anything in return.

The best way to get a referral is to give one.

There are five words that define someone’s ability to become successful: Imagination, desire, enthusiasm, confidence, and concentration. Concentration is the glue that makes everything happen. If you’re enthusiastic and committed, people will buy from you. Do things for love, not for money.

Become so committed, you become emotional about it.

Thoughts become things.

Reference: Truthful Living: The First Writings of Napoleon Hill, Jeffrey Gitomer

  • Jeffrey’s Takeaway

Rather than foaming at the mouth at what they are thinking, try starting the conversation by asking them what they think you are capable of. Most people give feedback in terms of themselves, and they think they are better than you. If they can’t do it, they are going to believe that you can’t do it. Talk to someone who has been in business for 20 years and see what they think. Try to seek wisdom instead of advice. If you’re on the fence, err on the side of the thing you love. Find a peaceful place and think it out.




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