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Make Building Cashflow A Game This Year

New Year’s Day is coming to a close, and you’ve got an entire year in front of you to make your dreams happen. 

But, before you get started on those, I’ve got a quick little video I want you to watch. 

Last night, some friends came over, and we found ourselves (as we often do) playing the Cash Flow Board Game. 

As we were playing, one of our friends began asking questions about how I got started doing what I’m doing, why I teach people what I teach them, and what the biggest benefit has been in my life. 

As I started to answer those questions, I was overcome with the power of taking action. 

You see, it all started for me, with turning this game of Cash Flow from a game, into how I lived my life. 

I wasn’t just playing the game, I was living the game. 

In the video below, I explain why it’s so important to look at a business as a game, share some of the things I am most thankful for, and give you some encouragement to take with you as you chase your cash flow dreams in 2020. 

Give it a watch.

*Have you stumbled upon this blog in the middle of a meeting? Can’t turn the volume up? No worries. Here’s the transcript: New Year’s Reflective Thoughts.

The journey that started with a game radically transformed my life, which has given me the opportunity to be a tiny part of helping others do the same. 

I look forward to joining arms with you in 2020 to take some risks, learn some lessons, and make some serious cash (and a huge impact) along the way. 


As mentioned above, here are the videos my wife caught of me last night, during the Cash Flow game with friends. These are some of the fundamental lessons I’ve learned, and some of the main starting points for my students. 

Years and years of experience will turn you into “that guy” at a party – who is so passionate about what he does, he can’t shut up about it…in the best way possible. 

So, listen in.  It’s kind of like eavesdropping on a private conversation…because that’s totally what my wife let you in on!

Self Employed vs. Business Owner

*Have you stumbled upon this blog in the middle of a meeting? Can’t turn the volume up? No worries. Here’s the transcript: Download the “Self Employed vs Business Owner” transcript here.

Creating Value

*Have you stumbled upon this blog in the middle of a meeting? Can’t turn the volume up? No worries. Here’s the transcript: Download the “Creating Value” transcript here.


Now it’s your turn, let me know:


In what ways can you allow yourself to make building cashflow a game in 2020?


Let me know in the comments below.

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