Recently I shared a cool time-lapse video on our Cashflow Creators Private Facebook Group Page that fellow entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk created.
It’s about his “overnight” success.
In Gary’s words, “Overnight success seems good on paper or when you say it, but in reality it doesn’t exist.”
Take a look at this quick video and see if you agree…
[youtube id=”OTHbFb1fNy4″ width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””][/youtube]
For my money, Gary is dead on.
I love what he says in this video! It shows that so-called overnight success takes a lot longer than people might imagine. How long is up to how much work you put in on the front end.
In Gary’s case, as you can clearly see, he devoted a whole lotta time to creating the success he enjoys today.
Regarding the concept of being an overnight success, well, it’s always made me chuckle. But I really didn’t understand just how ironic the words were till I became an entrepreneur.
The fact that a person cannot be an overnight success really hit me when I started building the Cash Flow Diary brand.
Admittedly, my team and I move faster than most, but we all understand that there is no such thing as overnight success. We’ve been working toward a set of goals, each bigger than the last, for a few years. We continue to work hard and put in the time necessary to reach our goals.
If you want to hear more about my views on the importance of teamwork, check out episode #3 of my podcast. It certainly isn’t the only time I talk about teamwork, but it’s one of the first episodes in which I introduce the idea…
While reaching success takes a touch of serendipity… being in the right place at the right time… that has little to do with luck.
You actually have to create serendipity.
You have to be open to doing what it takes to get your name out there, talk to people, get deals done, market yourself and your company, etc.
In short, you have to put in the work required to make success happen. You have to align yourself with the right individuals who can help you get there. You have to create the right environment and have the belief that you can reach your goals.
You can most certainly achieve the success you desire. It just won’t be overnight. I share my opinions on this subject in episode #17 of my podcast.
One of the first things you have to do to be an “overnight” success (which takes years, BTW) is to fully understand the concept of UNTIL.
For example, you have to put in the time UNTIL the work is done. That’s not something you get to dictate. It’s not like a J.O.B. where you show up at a little before 9 a.m. and work until quittin’ time, go home, make dinner and go to bed.
It doesn’t work that way for entrepreneurs!
Entrepreneurs work UNTIL their tasks are complete each and every day. That can mean 12 hours or 10 hours or four hours.
[bctt tweet=”Entrepreneurs work UNTIL their tasks are complete each and every day.”]
People just starting out in real estate investing ask me how long this or that will take.
I smile.
It will take however long it will take you to get your tasks done that will move you toward the goal line for the day, the week, the month, the deal.
In case you haven’t figured it out, when you’re learning something new – like being a real estate investor and entrepreneur – you’re going to put in more time than you think at first.
The good news is that as you become more competent, and when you start working with other people to achieve your goals, you will put in less time to get the same tasks done. This is something I talk about at live events. Here’s an outtake of one such event… where I was in front of an audience in Chicago.
So why do so many people give up after just a couple of months?
They don’t make a big enough or juicy enough goal, so they end up not working hard enough. It’s easy to walk away from something if you haven’t made the goal big enough or important enough.
It’s a fact.
If you don’t make your goals big… the goals aren’t something you’ll work hard enough for… you will want to give up, quit and walk away.
(If you don’t believe me, think about something you’ve given up on. It wasn’t that important to you… you weren’t willing to put in the time necessary to learn what you needed to learn or do what you needed to do to achieve the goal.)
As a new real estate investor, you have to be willing to keep working toward your goals even after your first couple of conversations with investors don’t go as planned or you get your first few no’s.
Like the saying goes, when you think about these little failure events, you need to say, “So what? Now what?” And then keep moving forward.
[bctt tweet=”So what? Now what?” Just keep moving forward”]
When setting your goals, ask for all you want and then some!
Taking this approach means your goals are well worth the wait. I talk about this in one of my early podcast episodes. Give it a listen…
One of our Cashflow Core Members got her first success as a wholesaler in her first 28 days, but it’s not like she just showed up and success just magically happened.
She was obviously working to BECOME the person who could make the deal happen.
She gave something up… her time, her hobbies, her time with family. I don’t know what that is that she gave up, but there was something. She put in the work. She worked UNTIL she made something happen. She found the people in the group to work with and to get information from along with taking the course seriously.
[bctt tweet=”When setting your goals, ask for all you want and then some!”]
If you want to be successful in anything you do as entrepreneur, you have to be willing to give something up. I’m not talking about giving up that second latte at Starbucks or that movie on Friday nights. It means you’re going to give up a couple of hours with the kids… instead of being with them for six hours you choose to be with them for four hours. Instead of sleeping eight hours a night, you sleep only six. You find the time it takes to get the work done. Again, this goes back to the UNTIL concept.
You work UNTIL good things start to happen… and then you keep working.
I still put in lots of time working toward my goals. And my goals have only gotten larger. They will get larger still, because that’s what keeps me excited. That’s what keeps me engaged. I push myself to be the biggest, baddest, best real estate investor, business owner and entrepreneur I can be.
That isn’t luck. The success I’m experiencing today isn’t luck.
I’ve been working for years toward being the successful entrepreneur I am today.
Here’s the simple truth…
The success you attain depends on what you are willing to give up and the time you are willing to put in on the front end.
The person you want to be in the future is dependent on the person you are today… the person who is taking the actions necessary to move you toward being that person you truly want to become.
[bctt tweet=”The person you want to be in the future is dependent on the person you are today…”]
Or did you think you could just sit around talking about the person you want to be, dreaming about the life you want to live?
Not by a long shot!
I want you to be an “overnight” success. I want you to achieve each and every one of your dreams and goals. That means taking consistent action.
If you haven’t taken your first steps into becoming a successful real estate investor, here’s a great first step… and it’s on the house.
It’s my gift to you…